
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Stephen Nowaruhanga is three years old and is a son to Kyomukama Beteasii. He goes to Kiswa Primary School and is in baby class. He was rejected by his father before birth and his mother is from a very poor family that can hardly afford a daily meal. He stays in Bugolobi with my family since we are their care takers at the moment. She helps with the work at home since she can’t get any employment because she is illiterate and yet she has to earn a living for her son and herself. Stephen can only tell you his father’s name but he has never heard or seen him. His relatives have not been of much help since they can also hardly support themselves.
Stephen’s mother was my grandmother’s care taker and when she passed on, we decided to take them on because they had no place to go. At that time he was 1 yr old and the mother was not earning any pay since she had no work to do.
We have watched Stephen grow and he is a very interesting child who loves going to school and learning new things. He is very quick at learning despite his young age. He started school this year and every morning he wakes up he is excited about putting on his uniform and running to school. An education for this boy will be the only reward one can offer him.
His mother has dedicated all that she can to see him go to school since he is the only hope she is left with. She was rejected by his father and since his birth the two have not received any support from him.
Her only dream is to see her son acquire a quality education but she can hardly provide that for her son since she has no descent job. She is very worried about the future since she is not sure of what the future holds for her son. Helping this boy is the best way one can help his mother and all of us that care for him and want to see him grow into an important person who will help his country and family. With a single support to this cause we should expect a great impact in the lives of those who are around him and also in his life. Remember helping him alone means helping generations to come and we do humbly believe that he will for sure return a favour by executing the same to another in the same state he was in when he was helped out.

Written by:
Nuwamanya Maureen.
Ochoo Ronald

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